EVENT | 2023 RETAIL THERAPY by Reed Gift Fairs and Life Instyle (Melbourne) — SMART IN PLANNING

EVENT | 2023 RETAIL THERAPY by Reed Gift Fairs and Life Instyle (Melbourne)

Back in Melbourne and enjoying a couple of days of #RetailTherapy, including a keynote and a panel discussion, in back to back sessions.

(Spoiler alert - there will be planning techy nitty gritty markdown margin number crunchy content on my agenda! Supporting materials can be found in The Planning POD).

If you are around then come check it out and say hi 👋.

In addition to a jam-packed event schedule, it’s been great to fit in catchups with retail friends and colleagues, as well as clients from Melbourne and Queensland.

Thanks RX Global for inviting me to be part of these Life Instyle and Reed Gift Fairs events.




Obsessing over stock health and inventory management is the ultimate key to profitability for Retailers.

This session covers:

* The AIM principle (Always In Motion) - why you need to treat your stock like cash and constantly keep it turning over.

* The Sales, Margin and Stock trifecta - why they need to hold hands, all day, every day, to inform decision making.

* The 3 types of margins (i.e. profit), First Margin, Final Margin & Stock Margin, and the dynamic between each.

* How to use a variety of stock measures in combination - sell through, stockturn, weeks of cover & freshness, to give you better perspective and indicators to predict profitability.

* Effective markdown management - how to identify when to take the markdown to achieve the most efficient sell through and margin.

Access training and support tools, like the markdown calculator and sell through matrix, in The Planning POD, via the link below.





With Kerryn Moscicki from Radical Yes, Lauren Li from Sisalla, and Naomi Bell from My Style Box, and moderated by Melina Nheng from Preezie.

Learn how to use insights to spot and act on new trends. Staying ahead of the curve will keep your customers interested and more likely to buy from you. The panel will discuss:

* how to identify emerging trends to give you a competitive advantage

* the importance of a curiosity-first mindset and understanding that “trends” are ever-changing

* trend predictions for 2024 across home, lifestyle and fashion

* balancing essential, investment & discretionary products

* navigating the noise – why curation is key to finding the right product/brand for you

* understanding millennials and gen Z


And that’s a wrap …

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